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I realised I needed more sleep when I was in Tesco and the checkout operator asked if I needed anymore bags. Very puzzled as I had forgot the bags for life (as always, I am sure I could provide bags for the whole of my postcode area) I realised that she was talking...
The Importance of fuelling your body properly
With fad diets so prevalent in today’s society it’s easy to see why so many people find nutrition confusing. There’s a lot of confusing and unhelpful advice out there, ranging from the borderline dangerous to the completely ridiculous! The truth is that...
Plantar Fascilitis
One minute you feel fine, the next minute there’s a sharp, stabbing pain in the heel of your foot. Although you try to put weight on it and keep going, the pain gets worse until it’s nearly unbearable. Plantar fasciitis feels serious – but with the right knowledge and...
Why Self Care Isn’t Selfish
There are so many reasons to make self-care a priority in your life. Lots of people realise last minute when their stress becomes chronic that a self-care practice is an essential aspect of any busy lifestyle, especially...
Happy New year!
Let’s ditch the stretchy slacks, stick on the lycra and embark on the NEW YOU! Yep, it’s time for the ever-optimistic New year’s Resolutions! There’s something fresh, exciting and invigorating about making a resolution on...
The benefits of human interaction on well being and mental health during the Christmas period.
2021, blink and you would have seriously missed it. Doesn’t seem like yesterday I was rushing around sorting out Christmas presents and fighting some dude in Tesco for the last bag of parsnips, but here we are… again. It’s Christmas time…. Again. It’s very easy to...
Stress and the affect it has on our immune system.
Stress. Rich or poor, young or old, we all experience it at some point. No matter what our reasons for being stressed it affects us all the same and it is not pleasant. I am sure we can all relate to the headaches, low energy, upset stomach and inability to sleep, but...
The benefits of massage
Massage has many benefits, whether it be relaxation or because of an injury you need one, there is a long list of plus points. Many people brush over massage thinking they can do without it and as soon as they have one they are converted. So why is this? We as a...
The ForeverYoung Team
ForeverYoung is a relaxing experience for all. But who are the faces behind that experience? A small team of three ForeverYoung is a close trio of women and here is a little bit about them Katie is the founder and empress of ForeverYoung, Katie, is a qualified...
Tips for dealing with plantar fasciitis
One minute you feel fine, the next minute there’s a sharp, stabbing pain in the heel of your foot. Although you try to put weight on it and keep going, the pain gets worse until it’s nearly unbearable. Plantar fasciitis feels serious – but with the right knowledge and...